What is a Women’s Business Center?

Services at a women's business center

A women’s business center can be your best ally to boost your business operations through training and resources. Learn more about what they do.

Get an Exclusive QuickBooks Discount from the MWBC Today!

QuickBooks is an accounting software that can process bills and business payments. It keeps your finances organized by providing one place where you can easily manage your business and get real-time insights on how your business is doing. Whether your business is just starting out and you need to send your first invoice or you’re […]

The Metro Women’s Business Center is Looking for Volunteers

  Are you looking for volunteering opportunities? The Metro Women’s Business Center (MWBC) is recruiting volunteers for our future in-person workshops and events. As a part of Friends of Puerto Rico, the MWBC provides comprehensive training and resources for women entrepreneurs in the metropolitan area.  What are the requirements? Be over 16 years old, have […]

Opening Your Own Business with the Support of the MWBC and Local Government Officials

The Metro Women’s Business Center presents the Metro Business Jumpstart: a 7 week, free of charge program via text messages that grants the opportunity of learning the 7 key steps to registering your own business in Puerto Rico. These messages and mentorship from Grisel Saez, the Metro Women’s Business Center Director, will help you overcome […]